Special Offer for JMU4KIDS!
Delmar Aikido
2 Free Weeks Of Lessons
Or call/text 518-257-0356 Sensei Rick Wolslayer

 Review notes from the week:

Skills that we taught during the week:

Verbal defenses (“Thank you, hmm, ok, wow, interesting….)

Blocking Kata

Gripping Escapes

Front Rolls

Arm Bar Pin

Pressure Points

Back Falls

Front Falls 

Focusing and Breathing

Japanese Phrases:

Thank you –Domo Arigato

Please – Onegai Sha-mas

Good Morning: Ohio Gozaimasu   

Good afternoon: Koneechi-wa


We invite you to come to the dojo and try 2 weeks of training for free as our guest. 

Description of our Youth Aikido Training 

(Grouped by ages 4-7 and 8-13)

The focus is on development of basic skills, applying them to real-life situations to help keep them safe.

Our priority is “Safety first!” 

The culture we aim to create is a positive and enjoyable environment.


Benefits of Training

  • Focus and the ability to concentrate on a single task

  • Coordination and balance

  • Effective Self Defense skills

  • Falling and rolling skills

  • Opportunities to learn to work with others

  • Japanese culture, vocabulary, history

  • Self-control – mentally and physically

  • The ability to enhance their self-image and self-esteem/confidence

  • Develop healthy habits

  • All while having fun!

The Training Process

The class routine starts with a formal bowing where the students ask the teacher to teach them and the teacher asks the students to learn. 

“Onegai Shamasu” (own-a-guy sha-mos = Phonetically) meaning “Please do me the favor of…..”  The bow is to signify respect to each other.  Very much like a handshake is a greeting in the Western world.

The students and teacher then meditate to relax, focus on their breathing and prepare themselves to learn.  They do this by closing their eyes, sitting still, and breathing deeply.

The teacher claps twice and they all open their eyes and recite the student creed.

Then they do a full-body stretching routine followed by falling and rolling skill training.

The main part of the class involves working on their techniques (see the .pdf of their curriculum) in which they work with senior students and instructors to learn their skills for their next belt or stripe exam.

After technique work, they usually practice self-defense drills or other skill-based drills and finish with some martial arts-oriented games (if they have earned the reward of the games by doing their work.)

They finish class with meditation and bowing and walk out to the lobby to put their shoes on to leave.

Simple, consistent practice yields consistent progress and results.

Consistent attendance and practice give the best results.  Students should schedule to attend 2-3 times per week.

Signing up:

The next step is to come in and watch a class and then decide if you would like to try 2 FREE weeks of training and see if Aikido training is right for you.  Please fill out the form below to schedule a phone call