Special Offer for JMU4KIDS!
Delmar Aikido
2 Free Weeks Of Lessons
Or call/text 518-257-0356 Sensei Rick Wolslayer
Review notes from the week:
Skills that we taught during the week:
Verbal defenses (“Thank you, hmm, ok, wow, interesting….)
Blocking Kata
Gripping Escapes
Front Rolls
Arm Bar Pin
Pressure Points
Back Falls
Front Falls
Focusing and Breathing
Japanese Phrases:
Thank you –Domo Arigato
Please – Onegai Sha-mas
Good Morning: Ohio Gozaimasu
Good afternoon: Koneechi-wa
We invite you to come to the dojo and try 2 weeks of training for free as our guest.
Description of our Youth Aikido Training
(Grouped by ages 4-7 and 8-13)
The focus is on development of basic skills, applying them to real-life situations to help keep them safe.
Our priority is “Safety first!”
The culture we aim to create is a positive and enjoyable environment.
Benefits of Training
Focus and the ability to concentrate on a single task
Coordination and balance
Effective Self Defense skills
Falling and rolling skills
Opportunities to learn to work with others
Japanese culture, vocabulary, history
Self-control – mentally and physically
The ability to enhance their self-image and self-esteem/confidence
Develop healthy habits
All while having fun!